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The Morning Call, April 2, 2009

A copy of this opinion piece is found in the attached pdf.  A lower quality version is also available for dial up users.

PA Raptor Corridor Bibliography

A Selected Bibliography of Books and Articles

Pertaining to Kittatinny Ridge Hawk Watches and The

Kittatinny Raptor Corridor in Southeastern and Southcentral Pennsylvania

NJ-NY Raptor Corridor Bibliography

A Selected Bibliography of Books and Articles

Pertaining to Kittatinny-Shawangunk Ridge and Raptor Corridor in New Jersey and New York

Donald S. Heintzelman

Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet

Kittatinny-Shawangunk National Raptor Migration Corridor Project


Endorsement Letters for the Proposed

Kittatinny-Shawangunk National Raptor Migration Corridor 

American Endorsements

Working Group Biographies

Raptor Corridor Project

Biographies of Working Group Members